Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"My Love" Quickpages

Well, it's official! I'm part of Carolyn's CT (creative team) over at Digicyberscraps! Yaaaay! Today's quick pages are from her "My Love" kit. You can go to her website for the full kit - she's a gem and has offered it for free. Here's the preview:

I'm so very excited - and I'm having sooo much fun - I LOVE making quick pages!! I always try to leave plenty of room for journaling, word art, or a quote. I can't help myself! Journaling is sooo important to do from time to time - sometimes I look back and my old pics and wish I had kept journaling... I can't remember everything! My mother -in-law even mixed up my husband's baby pictures with one of his brothers... I always try to put a date, name, SOMETHING to help me identify later. Ah well, enough of that. Here's the preview of what you'll be getting in this download:

Here's some samples of my own pages using them to give you some ideas of what you can do with them (if you click on the picture you can get a clearer view of what these look like). I admit, this kit had me seeing b&w and sepia, so that's what I used in my samples:

Here's the one above that I altered by changing the hue and saturation so that it was a little more appropriate for boys - it's not just for girls!

And now for the link - you can get them HERE. The password is sweetheart (you'll need this to unlock the zip file). Enjoy - and don't forget to leave me some love! :)